Monday, December 26, 2011

Harry Potter vs. Voldemort – so what?

It might be blasphemy, but I have trouble appreciating the Harry Potter stories. I might not even know what I'm talking about, because I only managed to read something like a hundred pages of the first book – the rest is just what I've seen in the movies. That's fine with me.

The essay has been moved to my personal website:

Harry Potter vs. Voldemort – so what?


  1. I don't connect with Harry potter either. Guess one to get hooked and then grow up with them.

  2. I didn't read any of the books and just saw a few parts of one or two of the first movies in the time my children were watching them.
    Happy New Year 2012 full of health, joy and love! and forget that boredom:)

  3. Harry Potter series are also not for me. However, a lot of my friends have completed all the books and read them from page to page.
