Friday, December 23, 2011

What's With the Beard?

Soon, Santa Claus will sneak down the chimney with presents to all good children, with a jolly “Ho, ho, ho!” That's all fine. But what's with that big white beard?

The essay has been moved to my personal website:

What's With the Beard?


  1. Very interesting, thanks. So maybe swedish children don't have to fear the trolls, because they dont' have any beard:) By the way one aikidoka colleague, we share the car to go to the dojo, who's girlfriend is swedish was in your dojo once, but you wasn't there...
    Merry Christmas for you too

  2. Carina, the Swedish trolls may have been beardless, but the Swedish "tomte" was full of mischief. If not served porridge generously, they made all kinds of bad things happen.

    Pity I missed the visit of your friend's girlfriend. Maybe next time.

  3. hahaha, just like Rumpelstilzchen;)
    And Stefan the girlfriend doesn't train aikido;)
